🚨 ATTENTION 🚨 Solve 99% of Your Money Challenges in 30 Days or Less.

“in 30 days... Destroy Debt, beat Inflation, AND Free yourself from The Broke Hamster Wheel For Good.”


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welcome to money management in 2025...

  • 28% of people have less than $1,000 in savings
  • The average person is $104,215 in debt
  • Experts say you need $1.5M to retire in 2025
  • The real inflation rate since 2020 is now 24.5%
  • The average home now costs 16.5 years annual income

People Say That Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness, Meanwhile…

  • 25% of divorces come from $$$ stress
  • 76% of people worry about economic survival on a daily basis
  • Most​ depression & suicide is from economic problems
  • 80% of people have sleep problems rooted in economic stress

There has never been a time in human history where it has been harder to make, save & grow money.

  • Government spending & printing is eroding the value of your dollar every day
  • The rise of A.I. taking away thousands of jobs every single day
  • A hyper competitive property market that is 30 years of guaranteed slavery
  • ​Instability in geopolitics making all investments risky

So How Do You Go About Trying To Free Yourself From Financial Doom in 2025?

  • You probably feel overwhelmed, lost & confused in a storm of conflicting advice
  • You’re already working so hard to provide for your family
  • You wonder if the common path of 40-hour work weeks & mortgages are the best way
  • You may ask yourself if there are other options available or do you just have to tough it out & hope for the best?

You are Sick and Tired of...

  • Living paycheck to paycheck
  • Increasing your income but still running in circles
  • Having economic anxiety strain all areas of your life
  • Limiting your life's experiences to your current situation
  • Spending more than you earn
  • Drowning in unnecessary debt
  • Feeling confused & unclear about your resources

See, the world is changing.

The ways our parents & grandparents got wealthy, no longer work.

The challenges & financial climate we are facing now, is unprecedented.

And at the heart of it all, you just want to live a good life, provide for your family all they need, and have some left over to enjoy holidays & some of the nicer things in life- without worrying that you will never be able to retire.

I Know What It Feels Like…

In 2007, I moved to the United Arab Emirates to pursue a lucrative career as a property lawyer, laying the foundations of the great city of Dubai that we know today.

I grinded hard and gave it all I had. 

The 70 hour work weeks…

All the time away from family and friends…

Sacrificing my health & happiness to try and get ahead.

But no matter how hard I tried & pushed… I just didn’t seem to be making meaningful progress.

I knew if I continued at this rate, even on a great lawyer's salary, I would never be free.

I knew there had to be a better way, and I was going to find it. 

I moved back to Australia and built up a successful property business

I quickly sorted the money stuff, and started growing real wealth for the first time in my life.

In this process of discovery, I learnt these 5 core skills that could make anyone wealthy, without sacrificing their life.

See, I discovered that wealth wasn’t about working hard, and grinding…

It wasn’t about finding some easy, quick & easy, passive investment strategy either

But it was about understanding & applying some key foundational & timeless principles of money- that nobody gets taught at school

And since then I have...

  • Built a 7-figure share portfolio
  • Built a 7-figure network marketing side hustle
  • Built a multi 7-figure online education business
  • As well as a bunch of other lucrative projects & businesses

(All while in my 30s)

I realized afterwards that what I had done was truly remarkable, and something that a lot of people needed to know how to do for themselves. 

So I sat down and fleshed out in clear, simple detail, the exact how-to.

That anybody who could read, could apply these ideas and get the exact same result as me.

And today, I am giving it all to you, in my latest book…



See, most people say that money can’t buy happiness.
And they are right, but what it can buy is the freedom to choose. 

How you spend your time & ultimately your life.


I'll reveal...

  • Money doesn’t buy happiness, right? WRONG. Understand why this mindset is keeping you from making money. Pg. 11
  • The “Path To Riches” strategy summed up into one simple sentence – and how to implement it correctly to make it impossible to fail Pg. 8
  • Do you have one of these 6 limiting beliefs that’s destroying your chance of wealth? Find out by turning to Pg. 41
  • Are your taxes automatically coming out of your paycheck? Here’s why you STOP that to save more money & live the same using the “Reverse Saving” method Pg. 111
  • The sneaky mathematical equation to know the YEAR you’re going to hit your goal. Use this equation to create your personal roadmap. Pg. 117
  • The 8 most important actions to rewire your mindset to start thinking like a millionaire. Pg.54
  • What never to do when building a portfolio. Take a look & replicate my 7-figure portfolio strategy
  • How to create a bullet-proof investment strategy using these 8 simple questions (no financial advice required). Pg. 131.
  • The most important virtue to have if you’re looking to build any kind of wealth (without this, you’ll continue to hit dead ends) Pg. 154
  • The “Success Triangle” that’ll show you the perfect vehicle to make more money. If it doesn’t align with this, you’ll be wasting your time. Pg. 166 
  • Plus, my complete list of 8 side hustles to start making money as soon as possible. Pg. 171

And much, much more.


Step 1: Mend Your Mindset.

Understanding Your Money Mindset: Money is a story we tell ourselves. Face your money identity. Understand your current values and beliefs.

Learning The Money Mindsets: Common money programs that hold us back. Effective money mindsets to model, plus how to think like a wealthy person!

Rewiring Your Mindset: Casting your new vision. Changing your environment. Profitable language patterns. Creating a new identity and setting goals.

Step 2: Model A Mentor.

The Power of Proximity: The principles of modeling success. Environment > Willpower. Standing on the shoulders of giants. 

The Magic In Mentorship: Paying to pay attention. Perspective, blind spots and mindset shifts. Accountability. Your best level of thinking.

The Teachable Heart: How to be coachable. Taking extreme ownership. The Wealth W.O.O.P.

Step 3: Manage Your Money.

The Wealth Formula: Inactive Income > Expenses. The Three Places your money goes. The three kind of money people. Dopamine discipline. The Retirement Realty Formula. 

Your Net Worth: Calculating your Net Worth. Doing the math. Assets and Liabilities. The Inactive Income Myth.
Getting Your Money In Order: Money follows order. Creating clarity. The reverse saving principle. Plugging the holes.

Step 4: Multiply Your Money.

Giving Your Money A Job: Buying assets. Revisiting the wealth formula. Cutting through the noise. 

Creating A Wealth Loop: Inactive income. Pascal’s principle. Understanding the compound effect. Bringing the Wealth Formula to life.

The Fifteen Minute Millionaire: Adopting technology. Automate your investments. Avoiding the activity trap. 

Step 4: Make More Money.

Choose A Money Making Vehicle: 10 Ways To Make Money Online, Without Leaving Your Job. Profits first. Inactive income and the power of leverage. Money making system. Tax isn’t so boring! 

Build Money Making Skills: Profitable money skills they didn’t teach you at school. How to develop profitable skills. The obstacle is the way. “In Sterquillinis Invenitur” 

How To Create More Time: The focus funnel and multiplying time. The who, not the how. Untapped resources. 

Let me sweeten up the deal for you with some BONUSES

When you order the “Money Buys Happiness” book today you’ll also receive these bonuses:
Bonus #1: Audiobook
Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of The Money Buys Happiness Today! 
Audiobook: Instead of just reading, you can accelerate your path to financial success by absorbing the audiobook's wisdom twice as fast, turning knowledge into real results in record time.

This is a great way to reprogram your subconscious mind for financial success.

Bonus #2: Exclusive Facebook Group
Meet others building their financial legacy!
Not only will you be joining a supportive community that’s not just cheering you on but running the same race alongside you…

You’ll be able to join me on weekly lives
  • Answering any of your questions…
  • Discussing anything that’s on my mind (financial lessons, errors to avoid, or investments to keep in mind)
  • And I’ll be introducing other heavy hitters in the group who you can connect with to make your financial journey easier
Plus, you’ll get updates on new programs, modules, and courses that I’ll be adding.

Bonus #3: Daily Money Tips
Daily dose of learning in Telegram
I’ll be sending you, your daily dose of money tips in Telegram to help reshape your mindset as you go along this journey

With this alone, you’ll be reminded every day why you shouldn’t fall back into the societal pattern of working just to pay your bills.

Instead, these messages will point you in the right direction every time.

Now let me explain something to you before I reveal the other bonuses…

The 3 crucial factors to change anything in your life are as follows:
  • Rewiring your mindset
  • Finding resources that contain the right information
  • And surrounding yourself with the right people in the right environment
With these three bonuses alone you’re already checking off all 3 boxes making it harder for you to fail.
Bonus #4: Student Success Stories
Case Studies
Dive into the captivating stories of students who have transformed their lives using the principles of this book.

Learn from their real-life experiences and extract practical advice that will catapult you toward your financial goals.

So if you’re tired of living paycheck-to-paycheck…

The time to make a decision is now.
See, on Amazon, I’m selling this book, without the bonuses or the 30-day money challenge I mentioned above, for $30

But since you’ve landed on this page and have read this far…

I’m giving you:
  • The Money Buys Happiness Book (Valued at $30)
  • The 30-Day Money Challenge
  • 2 FREE 1-on-1 calls (Worth over $497) 
  • And 4 Bonuses
1. Audiobook 
2. Access to our Exclusive Facebook Group 
3. Daily Money Tips
4. Student Success Stories (Worth over $500)

All for less than a large latte from Starbucks

So you can get your copy of the Money Buys Happiness book with all the bonuses today…

For only $9 by clicking down below

Now if you think you have time to wait, you dont

I’m considering taking this page down, removing this book from Amazon, and shelving it for good.

The financial education contained within these pages is worth hundreds of dollars, and I’m offering it to you for a fraction of the price…

Meaning more and more people will continue to use my strategies which will eventually make them ineffective.
So the time to act is now because I might just take it down tonight.

Click the button and invest in your financial future for less than large latte from Starbucks

To your financial success,

Lloyd J. Ross

I'm ready!

P.S. Don't just take my word for it. Here's what this book has done for so many others:
P.S.S: Here’s Our Lifetime Guarantee

You have absolutely nothing to lose when you purchase the “Money Buys Happiness” book

Because with my Million-dollar lifetime guarantee, your grandchild will be able to return the book if you’re unsatisfied.

All you have to do is send me an email at info@lloydjross.online and I’ll give you a full refund no questions asked.

So order your copy now and start your journey towards financial freedom.

Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers.

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